Carder Steuben Gazelle Lighting Grill

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Form: Goblet
Color: Amethyst
Component Colors: Stem: Colorless
Type: Transparent
Decoration: Optic Ribs, Amethyst
Line Drawing:
Carder Steuben Line Drawing - Goblet - 1692.0
See other examples of Shape 1692:
Cordial, Amethyst, Colorless and Amethyst
Goblet, Pomona Green, Colorless and Pomona Green
Goblet, Flemish Blue, Colorless
Goblet, Colorless, French Blue
Sherbet & Underplate, Verre de Soie
Sherbet, Celeste Blue, Colorless
Sherbet, Amber
Cordial, Celeste Blue, Colorless
Sherbet, Amber
Sherbet & Underplate, Amethyst, Colorless
Goblet, Amber
Goblet, Celeste Blue, Colorless and Celeste Blue
Goblet, Bristol Yellow
Sherbet & Underplate, Gold Aurene
Goblet, Amber
Sherbet & Underplate, Colorless, Bristol Yellow
Sherbet & Underplate, Amethyst, Colorless
Sherbet & Underplate, Bristol Yellow
Sherbet & Underplate, Celeste Blue, Colorless
Sherbet & Underplate, Green, Colorless
Sherbet & Underplate, Pomona Green
Sherbet & Underplate, Pomona Green, Colorless
Sherbet & Underplate, Verre de Soie
Sherbet, Colorless, Amber and Amber
Sherbet & Underplate, Colorless and Amber, Amber and Amber

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Carder Steuben Goblet - 1692.0

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