Carder Steuben Gazelle Lighting Grill

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  Encouraging and promoting the collecting and enjoyment   
of the glass of Frederick Carder   

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Club News and Events

This section provides the latest news about the Carder Steuben Club, as well as information about Club events and other happenings of interest to collectors and students of Carder Steuben Glass.

Carder Steuben Vase - 5161

resized charles.jpg Carder Steuben Club 2018 Symposium
The Carder Steuben Club proudly announces its 18th Annual Carder Steuben Symposium - October 11 - 13, 2018 This year the Club welcomes Charles Lotton, renowned contemporary glassblower.

Charles Lotton was born in 1935 in a little southern Illinois town called Elizabethtown. A very simple beginning in life brought Charles to his faith in the Lord, as well as the gift to dream. He remembers his childhood home, a one room cabin. His mom washed clothes down at the creek to make ends meet. Years later a dream and prayers led Charles to build a furnace in the backyard. Here, he taught himself the art of glassblowing. Forty-Five + years later&. While most men think of retirement, Charles awakes each day with new dreams for his future. Charles forward thinking has already given him a place in history. His glass creations are found in hundreds of museums such as The Art Institute, The Smithsonian, The Chrysler Museum and the Ronald Regan Library only to name a few. If you are a glass collector, his work speaks for itself. A piece of Charles Lottons glass is a piece of history in your hands.

The Legacy of Frederick Carder
The Corning Museum of Glass Website has an article about Frederick Carder's life and work. Clicking the link below will take you to that article.

CMoG Article on Frederick Carder

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