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Gazelle Gazette

The "Gazelle Gazette" is a Carder Steuben Club Newsletter that is initially delivered as an email and is maintained by Alan Shovers. This section provides an archive of the Gazelle Gazette Newsletter postings. If you would like to submit a Newsletter posting or have your email address added to Alan's address list, please email it to .

Carder Steuben Shade - 2377


Posting Number 3209   Date: 06/04/19     Return to Posting List

Here is just a sample of a great item that have been submitted and accepted for the Carder Steuben and Corning Glass Auction!

This first-ever public auction will be held on Friday evening, September 20 in conjunction with the Carder Steuben Symposium in Corning NY.

The Club and Upstate Auction Company are accepting submissions for consignment now!

No submissions will be accepted after July 15.

If you would like to have your items considered for this very exciting auction, please review the information on the Club's website by clicking on the Auction Detail box at the end of this article.

Pictures, descriptions, and other required information can be sent to:

Canterbury, Wisteria, or Whatever

What a fun subject! Four experts chimed in. Here is my take on the subject. Michael Krumme is familiar with Wisteria. Trouble is for the thickness of the glass these candlesticks are too dark and too much purple for Wisteria. I agree from what we see in the photo.

David Chadwick-Brown sees the blue in them. David the blue needs to be darker, more of a cobalt color to be Canterberry. I am not excluding Canterbury as a possibility, we are dealing with a photo and these are far from closeups!

Let's not forget Pale Amethyst as a color possibility when we are seeing purple. The first two pictures below are of Pale Amethyst and are slightly darker than the very soft color of Wisteria.

However, I would agree it is is the lighting that is controlling the factors. I also see a blue cast just as David Chadwick-Brown did. The color of blue I see is more of a Celeste shade as seen in Wisteria rather than the cobalt seen in Canterbury.

Even though they are very dark in the photo I am going with Scott's assessment If any one of the four of us was able to see these in person or a good closeup photo I am sure any of us could have nailed it.

ÿ Last picture is of a Wisteria Bowl in low lighting showing a darker shade of color than normal.

Rande from Alabama

Click to view image one: Auction.3.jpeg
Click to view image two: Newark.203.jpeg
Click to view image three: Amethyst.jpeg
Click to view image four: Amethyst.1.jpeg
Click to view image five: Wisteria.1.jpeg

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