Carder Steuben Gazelle Lighting Grill

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Gazelle Gazette

The "Gazelle Gazette" is a Carder Steuben Club Newsletter that is initially delivered as an email and is maintained by Alan Shovers. This section provides an archive of the Gazelle Gazette Newsletter postings. If you would like to submit a Newsletter posting or have your email address added to Alan's address list, please email it to .

Carder Steuben Vase - 7419

Responses To Yesterday's Red Candlesticks

Posting Number 3114   Date: 01/17/19     Return to Posting List

1. So beautiful. Thank you Ileen Lummus

2. It seems to me that a while back, there was a discussion in the G.G. about the standard" twist stem candlestick. What emerged from the discussion was that, if one looks at examples carefully, one will see that there are several "versions" of it. I believe it was a matter of just how many "twists" there were in the upper portion.

This is all from memory, so if anyone can find the specific G.G. edition with the discussion, please chime in.

Michael Krumme

Click to view image one: Twist.jpg
Click to view image two: Twist.1.jpg
Click to view image three: Twist.2.jpg
Click to view image four: Twist.3.jpg
Click to view image five: Twist.4.jpg
Click to view image six: Twist.5.jpg

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